Translation draft for Gensou Mangekyou episode 12

   ^ (???)
Yet another incident has been safely resolved! (???)
It was known as the Eternal Night incident (???)
But in reality, residents of Eientei hiding in Bamboo Forest of the Lost have replaced the moon with a fake one
私たちの前に立ちふさがったのは、月のうさぎ れいせん・うどんげいん・いなば
In front of us stood: the Moon rabbit Reisen Udongein Inaba
地上のうさぎ 因幡てゐ
The Earth rabbit Inaba Tewi
The servant (???) coming from moon: Yagokoro Eirin
And finally the Moon princess Houraisan Kaguya
Though they were bothersome opponents, they ended up not being enemies of humans and youkai (???)
Gensoukyou returned back to normal
We were carelessly enjoying the summer. However, an invitation came from the perpetrators of Eientei.
                ^ ~かねる --> nehézségekbe ütközik (???)
(???), so they're doing a courage test. Everyone can participate, wonderful prizes await
However, on the second page of invitation this was written:
「あなた方だけ特別に、大会の裏に隠された 『真の肝試し』にご招待!」と!
We'd like to invite you only, for a "Real courage test" hidden behind the contest.

れいせん: えー、お集まりの皆様!
Hey, everyone (???)
れいせん: 本日は永遠亭主催「しゅさい」・大納涼肝試し大会にご参加いただきまことにありがとうございます!!
Thank you very much for attending the great ??? courage test today hosted by Eientei!!
れいせん: これを機会に、新たに幻想郷の仲間入りをした私たち永遠亭をよろしくお願いします!
あや: ああっ、迷いの竹林の中にこんなお屋敷があったとは!しかも先日の異変とも関係あったとか!
Ah, such a mansion was in the middle of the Bamboo forest of the lost! And it was connected to that incident the other day
あや: こんな大スクープをみすみす逃すなんて、射命丸文一生の不覚「ふかく」!
Missing such a scoop, this really is Shameimaru Aya's defeat!
れいせん: さあ、肝試しの参加者、まだまだ受付中ですよ!間隔をあけて順番に出発してもらいます!
We're still accepting applications for the courage test. Applicants will be dispatched in short intervals according to their number.
ふらんどーる: たのしみー!
ぱちぇ: レミィはもう出発したんでしょ?咲夜はまだ来てないの?
Has Remi already departed? And Sakuya still hasn't arrived?
めいりん: すぐ後から来るって言ってたんでがね
She said she'll be right here
れいせん: 肝試しコースはこの迷いの竹林
The course for the courage test is this Bamboo Forest of Lost
れいせん: チェックポイントは案内人の小屋 (Guidehouse)。そこにお札を貼ってこの永遠亭肝試し会場に帰ってくればゴールとなります
The checkpoint is this guidehouse. The goal is to hang the ofuda there and return to Eientei
れいせん: コース上には、竹林に迷いこみ出口を求めさまよいながら死んでいった行き倒れたちを葬った「ほうむった」墓地があり、
Along the course, wandering in the bamboo forest looking for exit there is a cemetery with corpses buried alive(???)
れいせん: 無念の重いを抱いた霊が今も現れると言いますが、
It is said that vengeful spirits still appear there
れいせん: こんなものは妖怪の皆様にとっては日常茶飯事「さはんじ」でしょう
But this is commonplace for us youkai, isn't it?
ゆゆこ: まあ怖い
How scary...
ようむ: 幽々子様、自分が幽霊じゃないですか・・・
Aren't you a ghost yourself, Yuyuko?
れいせん: また迷いの竹林には、ー年のうち今日のこの日だけ、
Furthermore, in the Bamboo Forest of Lost today, only once a year
れいせん: 肝試しルートに現れるという不老不死の怪物の伝説があります!気をつけてください!
It is said that an immortal legendary monster appears during the course. Please be careful!
れいせん: ばくり!といかれちゃいますよ~
It'll go crazy like "Bakuri" (the fuck???)
だいようせい: チルノちゃん、もう帰ろうよ・・・
Cirno, let's go home...
チルノ: だいじょうぶだって!
It's all right!
れいせん: そして出会うはしから見さかいなしに妖怪を退治する恐ろしい巫女が出ます!
And after the meeting bridge (???) a horrendous shrine maiden exterminating youkai without discrimination will appear!
れいせん: これが最も危険が大きいので、出くわしてしまったら、
This is the most dangerous one, if you happen to meet her
れいせん: 一目散に逃げて下さいねー
Please run away as fast as you can
だいようせい: やっぱり帰る~!
Let's just leave!
チルノ: だいじょうぶだってば!
I said it'll be all right!
れいむ: 悪質な作り話わ・・・
What a cheap made-up story...
かぐや: やあね、演出、演出
Oh, please play along
かぐや: イベントなんだから、盛り上げないと
This is an event after all, you need to cheer up
れいむ: 私わ参加しないからね。いちおう見に来ただけ。あんたらも人間に迷惑かけないかぎりどうでもいいし・・・
But I'm not participating. I just came to watch it. Until you don't cause trouble to humans I don't care
かぐや: そこはちょっと残念だよね
That's too bad
かぐや: 霊夢、こっちのお酒はどう?月のやつよ
Reimu, would you like some of our sake? It's from the Moon
れいむ: 妙な薬とか入ってないでしょうね?
          ^ これ何?
You put something into it, haven't you? (???)
えいりん: 不老不死の『蓬莱の薬』はもう作りませよ
I no longer make the immortal Hourai Elixir
えいりん: 姫様にとんでもない迷惑をおかけしましたし、他にも事故が起きてますので・・・
It has brought countless troubles to the princess and other people...
かぐや: 「月の叡智」永琳は、遥か遠くの物事を見通すんだけど近くの物事が目に入らなくてやらかすのよね
The sage of the Moon, Eirin can see distant things clearly, but close things slip through her eyes
えいりん: お恥ずかしい・・・
That's embarassing...
まりさ: よう昨夜、
Hey Sakuya
まりさ: レミリアならもう出発しただぜ。「真の肝試し」狙いね
Remilia has already departed. She's aiming for the True courage test
さくや: あら魔理沙。あなたも招待状をもらったのね?
Oh, Marisa. You got the invitation too?
さくや: 『大会の裏に隠された「真の肝試し」にご招待!』
We invite you to a true courage test hidden behind the contest!
さくや: 『肝試しの夜に現れる不老不死の怪物を倒し、その生き肝「いききも」をゲットすればあなたも不老不死に!』って
If you can beat the immortal monster that appears during the night of the courage test, by eating its liver (lolwut???) you can become immortal too!
まりさ: ああ。不老不死にはそこまで興味ないが、
I have no interest in immortality, but
まりさ: そんなすごい妖怪は見てみたいし、すごいお宝なる一度拝んでみたいもんだ。
I want to see such a powerful youkai, (???)
さくや: 永遠亭はまたなにかたくらんでるとは思わないの?
Don't you think Eientei is plotting something again?
まりさ: 迷いの竹林に他にも未知の大物妖怪がいたっておかしかない
There is nothing unusual with powerful, unknown monsters roaming the Bamboo forest of the lost
まりさ: お前のご主人様のレミリアだって、生き肝狙いで参加してるんだろ?
Your mistress Remilia is also aiming for the immortality, isn't she?
さくや: ・・・お嬢様は考えの深い方だけど、今回は少し猪突猛進気味に思えて・・・
My mistress is a careful thinker, but this time I think she's being a little too reckless...
れいせん: さあ、永遠亭主催・だい肝試し大会お次のかた、スタートです!
The next participant of the courage test can start now!
まりさ: おぅ、私のばんだ!
Hey, it's me!
れみ: そこ!
You there!
れみ: さすがは不老不死の怪物といったところかしら?
Are you the immortal monster by any chance?
もこう: 吸血鬼か。黙って通りすぎれば見逃してやったものを
A vampire? You should have kept going quietly to avoid me
もこう: せいぜい数百才のヒヨっ子が、
Don't even think that a nestling at most a few hundred years old
もこう: 不死の私と勝負できるなどと思い上がるなよ!
can match up to the immortal me!
れみ: 私は紅魔館の主、レミリア・スカーレットよ
I'm the mistress of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Remilia Scarlet
れみ: その自身が本物なら、これが幻想郷の頂上対決ということになるかしら
if that confidence of yours is real, this will be the biggest battle in Gensoukyou
れみ: さあ、お前を倒し、その生き肝を手に入れてやるわ!
I'll defeat you and get your liver(???)
れいむ: 不老不死の怪物がどうっての、あれも作り話なんでしょ?
Is the part about the immortal being part of the made-up story?
かぐや: うふふ、それは演出じゃないのよ
Ahaha, that's not part of it
かぐや: もとは普通の人間でも、千年もいきれば色々妖術を身につけて、
Originally an ordinary human, but living for a thousand year she mastered various sorceries
かぐや: 大妖怪さながらの力を持つことがあるわけよ・・・
れいむ: ちょっと待ってよ、不老不死になっても人間は人間じゃない?
Wait a sec, even though immortal a human is still a human, right?
れいむ: あー、やっぱりこれ巫女の案件な気がしてきたわー・・・
Oh well, I feel this is rather a shrine maiden's dilemma...
かぐや: 心配しなくても、あいつはあなたに守ってもらうようなタマじゃないわよ
Don't worry, she's not that type who needs to be protected by you (???)
かぐや: そもそも、あいつの生き肝なんか食べても不老不死になんかならないし
In the first place, even if you eat her liver it's not like you'll become immortal
れいむ: はぁ!?
さくや: やはり全部嘘だったのね
So it was all lies after all
さくや: この兎が吐いたわ
This rabbit confessed everything
かぐや: あら、ばれちゃった・・・ 
Oh my, we got caught...

Next episode preview
Suspiciously laughing Kaguya - what is the true meaning of this?
How will the greatest battle of Gensoukyou end?
The fuck?
Marisa joins the combat
Who is this immortal beast?
And what about Reimu?
幻想万華鏡第13話 肝試しの章(後編)
Fantasy Kaleidoscope Episode 13 - Test of Courage (final part)
Pls wait warmly