
This page lists the applications I have written. Some of these were originally C++ programs and bash scripts, but were ported to be made available on the web. scrape browser

Browse the contents of the scrape of the now dead The scrape itself is a huge JSON file, a work of a kind anon from /jp/. Beware of shit quality entries - I haven't checked all downloads, but I can tell for sure there is at least one crappy 128Kbps rip in this scrape. You're better off using TLMC anyway.

Among my long-term plans there is one to turn this feature into a full-blown doujin music aggregator.

Japanese grammar collection

This collection contains all grammar from the Japanese textbook The Great Japanese 30の物語, plus some extra ones. Search for any grammar in English or Japanese (only romaji and hiragana are supported). A C++ desktop application is currently in development (and it's been in development for like two years) I_have_given_up.jpg

I certainly hope Kuroshio Shuppan doesn't sue me for this "copyright infringement". Afaik the gooks are obsessed with copyrights and will go to great lengths to remove content from the internet.

What is the difference between...

A small personal collection of Japanese synonyms and the differences between them.

In the meantime I found this Japanese website, which gives detailed explanations for a lot of synonyms. It may not be of much use to beginners, but for intermediate learners this is a goldmine. It doesn't seem to be updated anymore - according to the RSS the last post was made in 2018. Nevertheless, it's still a cool site.


Generate a cue sheet from jejtube timecodes. Originally developed for *ahem* degenerate nightcore and hardbass mixes

Subrip helper

Removes text from subtitles originally meant for people with impaired hearing. Very experimental and buggy, so don't expect miracles - in fact, consider this just a placeholder.