I've been visiting Radio Record from time to time ever since I first wrote about it back in april. When I can't find music that suits my mood or I get bored of the usual stuff I listen to (mostly Touhou) I turn to this site. Lately I've been mostly listening to Trancemission and Rave. Uplifting is great too, but it doesn't have as much songs as the former two. And it's not available in the Android app.

A few days ago I noticed the site went under a major redesign: it now has a dark theme resembling last.fm and features a mobile-friendly layout. The old site did the job so there was no need for this change, despite that the new design overall made positive impressions on me. There is just a little problem: some essential functionality is also gone with the old design. The most devastating is the loss of the channel history view, where you could see which song was played at which time. Not just that, but you could also play back any song from the past 30 or so. If you were skillful with the dev console you could find the URL of the song and download it, becase these were just statically served files (i.e. not like the main broadcast). Though the new site also has some sort of history function, it's severely crippled compared to the old one and lets you listen to only 30 second long iTunes samples.

I noticed that the Android app still lets you download songs, albeit the feature is a bit buggy: some downloads would stuck so badly that a complete OS restart was needed. I figured the endpoint is still alive, so I fired up Wireshark and started a remote capture session from my Xiaomi chinkphone. It turned out the endpoint is http://history.radiorecord.ru/air and it's an open directory!

After poking around a bit I found out that the site keeps history for the last 4 days for every channel. Every song's filename contains its airing timestamp, so finding a specific song is easy if you know roughly when was it aired. On the downside, the files listed all are shitty 128Kbps MP3 transcodes. But knowing the title and the artist, you can now head over to Soulseek - chances are someone will have what you're looking for.

It is also possible to download every song in the open directory, it's just a matter of wget switches anyway. To do so, navigate to a directory containing songs and issue wget -r --no-parent -nH --cut-dirs=3 "". You can adjust this command to recursively download multiple channels - I didn't bother with that because I'm running out of space on my desktop.

