This post is about weebshit. Normalfags get out now.

Have you seen the anime 彼氏かれし 彼女かのじょ事情じじょう (Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou; His and Her Circumstances) ? It's one of those lesser-known shoujo animes from the 90's despite being directed by Anno Hideaki, the genius behind Evangelion. Like Evangelion, this anime also had a noticeable budget cut, but unlike in Evangelion where the cut happened near the end Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou ran out of budget around halfway of the season. Because of these budgetary problems the makers had to resort to extreme animation reuse, double recap episodes and other shenanigans, resulting in an overall shitty animation. But the story is solid, so it's worth a watch.

The OST for this anime was composed by Sagisu Shirou - the guy who also did the Evangelion OST. The music itself is a mixture of piano pieces, jazz and a bunch of silly-sounding but actually cool songs, with the song Miyazawa Yukino III being my favorite. One thing I haven't realized for many years (I watched this in high school in 2014) is that many song titles are yojijukugo, i.e. four kanji compound words. They're similar to proverbs in that they usually aren't to be meant literally, but consist of exactly four kanjis. I've collected and looked up every single one and its meaning.

平穏無事へいおんぶじ - Tranquility and peace

切磋琢磨せっさたくま - To cultivate one's character by studying hard

天下泰平てんかたいへい - Peaceful and tranquil

会者定離えしゃじょうり - Those who meet must part

主客転倒 しゅかくてんとう- Reversing the order of importance of; Mistaking the means for the end (Hun: fordítva ül a lovon)

共存競泳きょうそんきょうえい - Co-existence and mutual prosperity

不撓不屈ふとうふくつ - Tenacity; indomitableness

一期一会いちごいちえ - Once-in-a-lifetime encounter

喜色満面きしょくまんめん - Being all smiles

暗中模索あんちゅうもさく - Groping in the dark; exploring without having any clues (Hun: sötétben tapogatózik)

悠々閑々ゆうゆうかんかん - Composed and unhurried

右往左往うおうさおう - Move about in confusion

行雲流水こううんりゅうすい - Floating with the tide

驚天動地きょうてんどうち - Amazing; world-shaking

孤影悄然こえいしょうぜん - Lonely figure

青天白日せいてんはくじつ - Being cleared of all charges, i.e. to be found innocent

意気揚々いきようよう - Triumphant; in high and proud spirits

沈思黙考ちんしもっこう - Being lost in deep thought