What happened in 2021? In this post I present some highlights of the last year, I've been gathering these throughout the whole year. Some of these were hard to miss, while other events are somewhat specialized to my interests.

Although it felt like a boring year because of the long lockdown, scrolling through the whole post made me realize last year was quite eventful: we had plenty of happenings, leaks, scandals, new memes and such. Sadly, it's been a year full of deaths, and not just because of the chink flu.

01.06 Republicans gather at the Capitolium and manage to break in to the building. At least 4 people were shot, including an Air Force veteran. Even though no major violence happened and the building was left intact (excluding some broken windows) everyone who broke into the building was labeled as a domestic terrorist. The media went apeshit crazy and started to call the protest a coup that was staged to overthrow Biden's rule. To secure the Capitolium for the upcoming inauguration of Dement Biden the National Guard has been called in.

02.01 Tired of how libtards shit up the country, Myanmar army staged a coup and overthrew the democratically elected government. The action began by taking high-ranking government officials into custody. A series of mass protests followed the coup, but the military has no second thoughts about giving up control.

02.08 Tesla announced that it will start accepting bitcoin. Along with this announcement the company purchased $1.5 billion worth of bitchcoin. This action was followed by a huge price hike, where the price of this cryptocurrency would reach its peak at $60K in mid april.

03.09 Cliff Simon, Baal's actor from Stargate SG-1 passes away in a kiteboarding accident.

03.23 Twatter trannies attack Stallman after he rejoins the FSF director's board. The rms-open-letter vs rms-support-letter war erupts, with decisive victory for the latter. It's worth noting that the majority of the pro-Stallman signees were Russian and Chinese FOSS enthusiasts, while the open letter was full of self-hating westerners employed by corporations or involved in corporate-controlled open source projects.

03.23 The container ship Ever Given got stuck in the Suez Canal for almost two weeks, blocking it entirely. During that time more than 400 cargo ships have amassed at the canal entrance, waiting for the chance to pass through. The ship was freed 6 days later, but the incident caused damages in hundreds of million dollars. Blocking the canal also caused temporary shortages and it is believed to be root cause of the garden gnome shortage in the UK (not a joke!).

04.01 Police shuts down an april fools' party in Belgium: young people gathered in a park after a post saying there'll be famous artists performing went viral. Due to the lockdown mandates prohibiting any kind of gathering the riot police was deployed to the scene.

04.12 RBT is kill. It was the best archive for /g/ in my opinion. The wakarimasen archive is decent, but only contains new posts.

04.20 Derek Chauvin, the alleged "murderer" of Fentanyl Floyd was found guilty on all three charges. He received 22.5 years in jail in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day.

04.21 Greg Kroah-Hartman bans University of Minnesota from contributing to Linux, because they were deliberately sending them shitty patches in name of "research".

04.28 Risitas passed away

05.03 New shitcoin Chia is publicly traded. 8TB+ HDDs become practically impossible to get either because they are all sold out or their price has doubled. In Hungary the Toshiba X300 HDDs (I have 9 of them) are all sold out or expensive as fuck. It also doesn't help that there is an ongoing chip shortage since last year because of the increasing demand on silicone wafers and the supply chain can't keep up.

05.07 Audacity is acquired by the company Muse Group and the first thing they contribute to the project is the implementation of telemetry using Goygle analytics. The PR containing the commits generates such a huge backlash that the cuckdevs abandon the idea entirely after a week.

05.12 Tesla announces the will no longer accept bitcoin over the concern about miners' environmental footprint. The bitcoin price dropped $7K overnight and it's been on downhill ever since.

05.17 Darwin's Arch, a natural bridge in the sea near the Galapagos Islands, collapses due to erosion.

05.19 Based president Xi the Pooh bans bitcoin in China, resulting in another $13K drop in price. Still no sight of cheap GPUs, though.

06.08 - The ANOM anonymous messaging app turned out to be a giant glownigger honeypot when hundreds of people were arrested overnight in a global operation.

07.01 In early July Audacity updated their terms of use, giving the users concerns about hidden datamining. The following days numerous forks were created, but CookieNigger's was the one that showed promise. A poll was made to decide what should be the new project name - unsurprisingly, Sneedacity came out as the winner. Unfortunately, Cookienigger disregarded the poll results and arbitrarily renamed the project to Tenacity. In the next few days cookienigger met the wrath of 4chan; some days later he quit maintaining the fork, because he couldn't handle these ebil racist nazi bullies. Despite all this drama Tenacity is still the best option for a debotneted, up-to-date Audacity. The fork "maintained" by /g/ is pretty much stale - after an initial flood of patch requests changing every second word to sneed the number of contributions quickly plummeted to zero.

08.18 Ending with the capture of Kabul, the goatfucker sandniggers from taliban take control of the whole Afghanistan after skirmishes broke out in May. UN peacekeepers and glowniggers are on the run; Afghani people are leaving the country by the thousands. In the course of few months Taliban managed to take the country back to the middle ages by banning everything that's in contradiction with their interpretation of Quran. Meanwhile they still have the courage to beg for gibs from other nations.

08.25 Pushed through the parliament in less than a day, the new Aussie government surveillance bill allows the feds to take control of online accounts, seize them and generally use them however they want WITHOUT a warrant. There is a THO video that nicely covers this topic.

09.18-26 To determine who will be challenging Orbán in 2022 elections a mini-election among opposing party members is held. As predicted by analysts, Dobrev won the first round; furthermore the whole election thing is suspected to be a datamining operation. On the other hand, at least there is a collaboration effort in order to replace Orbán.

09.19 A volcano on the island La Palma erupts, five thousand people had to be evacuated. Before the eruption there was an extensive schizo discussion on /pol/ spreading FUD that the eruption will create a tsunami so huge it'll destroy the entire east coast.

10.03 - A huge leak named Pandora was published by an international group of journalists. These documents detail offshore businesses of billionaires, politicians and famous people. There are several zsidesz ficsúrs on that list as well.

10.06 Anons leaks over 6000 (total size: 128 GiB) Twitch git repos containing the source code of all their software, plus creator payouts on /g/.

10.09 Due to the ongoing Lebanese economic crisis the country's two power plants ran out of diesel fuel, resulting in a 24-hour long blackout. The power was restored after the plants received reserve fuel from the army.

10.13 In Kongsberg, Norway, a batshit insane mudslime convert Danish man shot 5 people and injured three more with a fucking bow and arrows. This attack was the deadliest (lol) after Breivik's rampage. A statement issued by the police a few days later claimed the victims were stabbed instead of being shot.

10.17 Márki-Zay Péter, the mayor of Hódmezővásárhely wins the opposition's preelection and becomes Orbán's challenger in the 2022 elections. Fidesz was extremely butthurt because they poured obscene amounts of money into their propaganda machine in order to discredit Karácsony Gergely, who decided to step back so MZP could have a chance against Dobrev.

10.21 Willie Garson, the actor portraying Martin Lloyd in Stargate passes away due to illness.

10.28 Zucc announces Meta, a shitty VR/AR SAO clone and renames Faceberg's parent company to Meta as well. Since then the concept of virtual anything has gone too far, with people buying virtual "real" estate and other unbelievably hilarious things.

10.28 あいざわ, the man behind はちみつれもん breaks the near year-long silence on twitter and returns to production. This time he seems to be focusing more on cosplay photography though, I have a bad feeling he will no longer release music under his circle.

11.08 A huge crowd of migrants escorted to the border by Belarussian forces attempt to break through the Polish border, which has been secured by the Polish army since summer. Every migrant has been caught and they are now just sitting in a no man's land between the two countries. After trying for several weeks Lukashenko gave up his extortion tactic on the EU and cleared his border from migrants.

11.19 Kyle Rittenhouse has been acquitted on all charges after a two and half week trial. The judge was not just based but fair, which resulted in the usual libtard outrage across the US.

11.21 Austria announces mandatory vaccination for every citizen after February 2022. The unvaxxed can be fined up to 4000 EUR. Tens of thousands protest against this tyrannical rule on a weekly basis. As of late Germany has been getting similar ideas about vaxxing their population, citing their low vaccination rate compared to the EU average (lol it's not a contest!)

11.26 A romanian band of criminals has been arrested for stealing fuel from the American base. The perpetrators were employed by a company that's supplying the base with fuel; while refilling the generators they didn't empty their tank and left the base with some fuel. In the course of two years they managed to steal fuel worth $2M.

12.08 Around 100K Russian soldiers (a third of their active duty ground forces) have been stationed near the Ukrainian border. It is feared they're trying to occupy Ukraine, or at least the Donbas region.

12.09 A zero-day (CVE-2021-44228) is discovered and published on this day in log4j, a Java logging library used by large IT corporations. The bug allows arbitrary code execution and has already been exploited in the wild. Update: there were rumors that the patch also has a vulnerability and it too has been exploited.

12.18 The first McDonalds in Ózd opens, with constructions starting in the summer. The city residents welcomed the new fast food restaurant and hope it will bring prosperity to the decaying city.

There was a discount on the cheeseburger on the opening day.

12.23 The /dmp/ guys at /g/ release the board's first album titled Shitposting Fundamentals. My favorite songs are I Hate Technology, it skillfully captures the board's stance toward modern technology, and the choice of genre (post-punk) is fitting as well. The other one is Design Patterns, because the melodies give off strong ZUN vibes, they remind me of his SOEW compositions.

12.28 The Bogdanoff twins pass away due to 'rona. Grichka died on Dec. 28, and Igor 6 days later.