This post contains enormous amount of technobabble.

Recently I haven't been able to devote much time to development, so it came as a surprise when I saw the output of PHPUnit today:


PHPUnit 9.5.20 #StandWithUkraine

Runtime:       PHP 8.1.7
Configuration: ./CI/resources/phpunit.xml

I generally don't use woke software, it's my first time dealing with such faggotry. Nearly all the virtue-signalling software project are either low-quality shitware used by JS soydevs or high performance and complexity projects backed by corpos.

PHPUnit is a dead simple xUnit framework that's used solely because it's the de facto unit testing environment for PHP and probably millions of projects rely on it. For its low complexity it's surprisingly bloated and shitty, and there are basic API changes between minor releases. PHPUnit has its corporate backers who might push this wokeshit, but the lead dev is a woke faggot himself (he allowed master-slave to be replaced a few years ago), so this message about Ukraine might as well be his personal opinion.

A notable example of high quality political software is Notepad++ whose sole developer often names the releases after significant, controversial political happenings. I haven't used Notepad++ in a while so I don't remember whether the actual program contains any political messages or not. My favorite such release was the Stand With Hong Kong, which sent the chink insects into a collective rage mode and they proceeded to screech for weeks on the Github issue tracker. Quite unsurprisingly, the dev now stands with Ukraine! Back when the anti-chink releases were made I thought it was funny, but now I see politics have no place in development.

Proposed solution

I'm not saying developers shouldn't have political opinions, rather keep the code and your opinions separate. Make a blog where you post your Xi Chinkping Winnie the Pooh edits and #CurrentThing hashtags. Do not litter the source code with politics - this includes comments, help and the documentation.

For now the best thing you can do is to replace the offending strings in src/TextUI/TestRunner.php and src/Runner/Version.php. An hour later I also discovered that Composer also displays a message, but I can't fix that, because Composer is installed system-wide.