I think it's high time to post the summary of what happened in 2022 as promised earlier this year. I've been busy dancing and graduating, so I devoted the bare minimum time to my websites. This list is somewhat shorter than the 2021 summary, that's mainly because the lockdowns were lifted and I began spending less and less time in front of my computer.

Looking at my notes 2022 was an eventful year too. The Russians stole the spotlight with their surprise attack, a failed blitzkrieg that turned into a still ongoing horrible trench warfare. I've been monitoring the progress of this war since day 1, because I think this is a historical moment and all aspects of this war will be studied by militaries all around the world.

Aside of the war, there were elections, economic crises and many deaths and murders. Let's break down the events:

01.03 Protests erupt in Kazahstan. There was speculation of CIA involvement, but I think the glowies had no involvement in this. What really happened is that residents became increasingly dissatisfied with the poverty, current political leadership and rising prices, especially gasoline. Things escalated into a full-blown anti-government uprising, with more than hundred of dead, including beheaded policemen (yes, kazahs are savages). The Kazah PM Tokaev couldn't handle the situation, so he turned to the Collective Security Treaty Organization for help. In a matter of days Russian special forces were airlifted there to protect critical infrastructure while the Kazah army and police detained the protesters. Click here for a video showing the protests in various cities.

01.18 An Italian videoconference between senate members was interrupted when someone hijacked the stream with Final Fantasy porn. See the full uncensored video here.

01.20 The crypto scam market has worsened so much that the Russian Federation has banned all kind of cryptocurrencies, citing financial stability as the reason. On a loosely related note, some Tesla owners are using their cars to mine shitcoins with them.

01.20 - 10th anniversary of glowniggers seizing Megaupload server. Never forgetti.

01.23 Dissatisfied with how the government handles national issues, the military launches a coup d'état and the government of Burkina Faso is overthrown after a day of fighting. The coup was allegedly welcomed by the residents.

01.30 The great Canadian honking protest begins, truckers start heading towards the capital.

02.04 In a matter of hours Meta (zuccbook) stocks lose quarter of its value, resulting in what is now considered the biggest ever stock market loss in history. Zucc personally loses so much money he instantly fell off the list of top 10 richest people. The reason behind the loss is that facebook announced that for the first time in its history the number of active users has slightly dropped. Despite zucc's agressive VR marketing campaign many investors realized facebook is doomed and jumped ship.

02.09 Protestors opposing the 'rona restrictions gathered and camped in front of the Wellington Parliament. The protestors are persistent and the protest was well-organized, having set up a makeshift kitchen making food for the protestors. The police unsuccessfully tried to disrupt the protest. In one desperate attempt they blasted bad music for hours from the parliament speakers.

02.12 Tensions in Ukraine are rising thanks to burgers pumping weapons into the country and fearmongering 24/7. On this day the CIA announced Russia will attack next wednesday. Back then the glowies were laughingstock, nobody believed them.

02.19-20 Canadian protestors are pushed out from the capital, several truckers have been arrested and their truck towed out of downtown. The riot police erects a barrier around the parliament.

02.24 Russia launches a full-scale invasion on Ukraine. I haven't seen such a shitshow on /pol/ since the 2016 elections.

03.07 HUF/EUR exchange rate reaches 400, a new record low.

03.09 Austrian government lifted the mandatory vaxxing law a little less than a week before it would go in full effect (i.e. the unvaxxed could be fined).

03.12 In Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov is succeeded by his son Serdar in a totally fair and democratic election.

03.22 As part of his presidental campaign, Emmanuel Macron launches a Minecraft server to cater to zoomers. Anons from /pol/ join the server to spread the teachings of buddha and pose as the windmill of friendship.

03.23 The Russian government has made the previously permablocked Rutracker available again, perhaps as a response to some of the sanctions targeting digital services and goods. The Russian government also legalized piracy of software for corporations if the sanctions are restricting them from legally obtaining the necessary software for business operation.

04.03 In Hungarian elections Zsidesz, the currently ruling party wins two thirds of parliament seats for the 4th time in a row. They did this by falsely accusing the opposition of intervening with the Ukrainian war - and the uneducated brainwashed masses ate these lies up.

04.19 The iconic huge booba queen Tanaka Hitomi retires from JAV.

04.20 Similar to what happened to zuccbook in february, cuckflix shares lost 35% of their value, generating a $400M loss for the company. Shareholders decided to dump their stocks when the company's quarterly report came out and stated they've lost hundreds of thousands of subscribers (also because of leaving the Russian market). To overcome their losses the company plans on introducing ads and punishing those who share their accounts (good luck on that!).

04.24 Emmanuel Macron wins the second round of the French elections. The niggers and mudslimes didn't vote for Le Pen, obviously.

04.25 Gaylon Musk buys the cesspool called twatter for $44 billion. Soyboys rejoice, troons shiver in fear, but nobody really knows what his plans are with it. He claimed he'll turn it into a free speech platform, but I highly doubt he'll tolerate holocaust deniers and calling people nigger (yeah that also counts as free speech).

05.14 Newfag poltard wannabe Tarrant zoomer goes on rampage in Buffalo, NY and kills 10 white people in a supermarket. See the relevant part of the livestream here. On February 15, 2023 he was sentenced to 11 consecutive life sentences plus 90 years.

05.24 A 18yo transnigger spic shoots up a school in Uvalde, Texas, killing at least 18 kids and a teacher.

07.06 Luke Smith blew up the Georgia guidestones.

07.08 Abe Shinzo is murdered in broad daylight. He was shot by a man seeking revenge on him. The attacker used a homemade gun; as seen on the video the first shot missed, but the second killed the former PM almost instantly.

07.11 The James Webb space telescope begins its scientific operations. The telescope was commissioned in 1996 and after many delays, redesigns and other obstacles it was launched in late 2021. I have a book about astronomy from 2002 that refers to this telescope as NGST and predicts it will be deployed sometime between 2005 and 2007. The telescope is a major scientific miracle and the single most interesting project NASA came up with in the last three decades, possibly second only to the Hubble telescope. JWST was positioned to the L2 point (beyond the moon's orbit) and is able to observe a lot of things, from asteroids in the Kuiper belt to the earliest galaxies. Because the L2 point is unstable the satellite has to periodically correct its position. This fact, along with that the scientific equipment requires helium cooling means that it will reach its end of life much sooner than HST, which is still operational after more than 33 years.

The Carina nebula, one of the very first color images received from the telescope.

08.22 Stable diffusion was open sourced on this day. This was an important milestone for publicly available AI, it kickstarted numerous projects based on it. People began training their own datasets so they can generate images ranging from realistic portraits to the sickest hentai you can imagine.

I've also spent considerable amount of time fiddling with SD, mainly because my GTX1060 feels a bit outdated these days. I've mostly generated pictures of girls with red dresses (a reference to Matrix). Pic related is my favorite one.

08.30 Mihail Gorbachov dies at the age of 91. Russians in general hated this guy, because his decisions as secretary of the party lead to the dissolution of the stronk soviet state.

09.08 Queen Elizabeth II kicks the bucket and is succeeded by his son Charles III, who is in his 70's now. The bongs have an undying fascination with the royal family, coronation and such so much they even replaced their banknotes with new ones depincting Charles III. While the rest of the world, including countries belonging to the British Commonwealth doesn't give a fuck.

09.26 After 6 years of resting I undusted my latin dance shoes and once again join a ballroom dance class. In retrospect this was the best decision I've recently made, I only regret not making it earlier. I almost forgot how much I love to dance.

12.15 Avatar 2 is released in Hungarian cinemas and becomes a commercial success. More than one million Hungarobros saw this beautiful movie (though plot-wise it was kinda disappointing for me).

12.31 Ex-pope Benedict XVI passed away.