Have you seen the anime 彼氏かれし 彼女かのじょ事情じじょう (Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou; His and Her Circumstances) ? It's one of those lesser-known shoujo animes from the 90's despite being directed by Anno Hideaki, the genius behind Evangelion. Like Evangelion, this anime also had a noticeable budget cut, but unlike in Evangelion where the cut happened near the end Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou ran out of budget around halfway of the season. Because of these budgetary problems the makers had to resort to extreme animation reuse, double recap episodes and other shenanigans, resulting in an overall shitty animation. But the story is solid, so it's worth a watch.  Continue reading

Earlier today I was wondering what is the container/video/audio codec combination that's supported in most browsers. There certainly are compatibility tables on the internet, but none of those give information about some hipster browsers I sometimes rely on. To get a better view on media format support I did some testing on my own.  Continue reading

I've been visiting Radio Record from time to time ever since I first wrote about it back in april. When I can't find music that suits my mood or I get bored of the usual stuff I listen to (mostly Touhou) I turn to this site. Lately I've been mostly listening to Trancemission and Rave. Uplifting is great too, but it doesn't have as much songs as the former two. And it's not available in the Android app.  Continue reading

It was a cozy December afternoon. I was sitting in the office drinking tea, carefree as I have already handed in my thesis about RF anechoic chambers and could fully concentrate on work. While waiting for the automated tests to complete I checked the Wikipedia - it has become my go-to source for news. [offtopic]Independent journalism is basically extinct in Hungary, to the point where your only choices are news sites spouting government propaganda and leftyfag globohomo psyop. This is an exaggeration of course - the point is, every news site is 100% pro or anti-establishment. There is no middle ground and every news outlet sticks to their guns no matter how ridiculous their beliefs are. Considering all of this, Wikipedia is by far the least-biased news source I know.[/offtopic]  Continue reading

How does one obtain music in the year 2020 AD? Nowadays you can buy or download pretty much all kind of music, streaming services like Spotify and Deezer or even Jejtube are popular as they offer an enormous repository of diverse music. But what about doujin music? Those are still mostly distributed as CDs and released in limited quantities. There are but a few people whose interest is to upload and share new releases, but they releases aren't everlasting and something is bound to be lost over time. This blogpost is to describe the suffering I went through and to show how hard is nowadays to obtain old content from the internet. The subject of my "experiment" is an album titled Girl's Talk from Nomiya Ayumi's (野宮あゆみ) and Rakuno Yue's (楽乃由重) doujin circle, honey☆bitter,anima; released at C76. I plan on writing a post about Ayumi's career, because she has some other equally obscure works, too.  Continue reading